Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A year and a half ago....

A year and a half ago I took an amazing journey into Banda Aceh. This is a blog separate to my normal blog, as I want to try and recreate here, the journey I took. When I came back I created a photo journal of what I saw, and I had a small collection of writings that I had quickly jotted down, trying to record my impressions of what I saw and the people I met. Recently, thanks to the goodwill of Bev and Ray (my parents-in-law) I have acquired a scanner, that I have used to scan the pages of my photo journal into my computer. I have never used a scanner before, and I fear that has affected how my B&W prints have come out on the computer, but it's the idea that counts (sadly some of my bigger prints that I did in the dark room are back in Brisbane, and they were better quality).

I will update this as I get a chance with the photos in the order they were in the book. Along the way, I will try and relate a little bit of my journey.


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